Corporate Security


Get the best in security thought leadership, content, strategy, research, insights, and influence. Make your brand stand out above the rest, learn best practices, understand industry trends and the competition, burnish your reputation, and elevate yourself to be among the leaders in security and risk management. Welcome to Global Insights in Professional Security (GIPS), LLC.


What to expect:

• Consulting in security strategy, insider threat, disinformation and reputational risk, security technology, proprietary information protection, security leadership, professional and industry trends

• Litigation assistance, including expert witness services in cases involving negligent security, premises liability, negligent hiring/retention, negligent training/supervision, etc

• Investigations of insider incidents, policy violations, etc.

• Education on the latest thinking, concerns, problems, and opportunities of security executives

• Proprietary content, such as blog and social media posts, books, articles, videos, webinars, podcasts, white papers, and research studies

• Access to a proprietary “knowledgebase,” a compliation of detailed databases of security and criminal incidents by type, tactic, location, industry, geography, culprit, victim, consequences, and many other factors

• Access to security executives and decision makers

• Original research and writing services

• Speeches, presentations and presentation proposals that get accepted

• Technology review and assessment

• Thought leadership and brand awareness