

If you are seeking expert research, writing, and/or editing on virtually any subject, GIPS LLC is here to produce pristine and compelling copy. Through these services, clients have won awards, acquired and expanded business, burnished their reputations, asserted thought leadership, and got onto the paid-speaking circuit.

Mike has published thousands of published articles, ghostwritten dozens of others, and developed ringing marketing copy for diverse clients. While he has special expertise in and access to publishing platforms in security and nonprofit associations, Mike has delivered content in fields such as higher education, politics, law, media, management consulting, hospitality, aviation, oil and gas, transportation and logistics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, government, law enforcement, cultural institutions, and others.

With a background in law, history, and journalism, Mike is a researcher nonpareil. And makes even seemingly ossified information come to life in crackling, captivating prose.

All editorial services are provided with utmost discretion. The client is credited as the author, with full copyright claims. To ensure privacy and integrity, we disclose client names only with their explicit authorization.


Content Creation

  • Articles

  • White papers

  • Books and book chapters

  • Presentations

  • Memoranda

  • Marketing copy

  • Research